There was once a little child who saw ‘Abdu’l-Baha. She lived
in America, and her story is rather strange, for she knew about Him before she
actually saw Him. He was far across the ocean when she said to her mother one
day, “Mummy, if Jesus were here what would you do?”
Her mother answered, “I would go to Him as fast as I could!”
“Well, Mummy, He is here in the world somewhere,” she told her
“Now Precious, what do you mean? How do you know?”
Her little girl then said," He told me so Himself, so
He must be here."
The mother was puzzled because her daughter was so sure, and
the mother prayed that she would know what it all meant.
The next day, the child asked her mother why she had not gone
to see Lord Jesus." He's told me two times that He is here," she
But her mother could only say, "Mummy doesn't know
where He is - how can I find Him?"

Her mother hurried into the store and bought the paper with
the picture and there she found out where He was. He was in Paris, far away
across the ocean.

Then they both saw the One Whose love was so great for
everyone that it could reach people all around the world!
(Child’s Way magazine, vol. 2, no. 6, November-December