Her brown eyes opened. Her first thought was: "Today is
a special day. It is Someone's birthday - Someone important. It is
Baha'u'llah's Birthday." Theresa jumped out of bed, eager for the day to
start. Birthdays were one of her favorite things. There were always fun things
to do - candle-lit cakes and parties and friends. How she did love it all!
She stood before her closet. Mother had said that she did
not have kindergarten today because it was a Holy Day. So Theresa did not
choose a schooldress to wear. After slipping into some play clothes, she went
into the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth and hair until they shone.
Mother was cooking breakfast in the warm kitchen. She set a
plate in front of Theresa, who drew in a deep breath of the sweet pancake
smell. Mother kissed the top of her head and told her it was like kissing the
ebony wings of a bird. It was very nice to think that her black hair matched the
color of a bird's feathers. She liked birds. In fact, she felt close to all of
God's animal creatures.
She asked, "Mama, are we going to Miss Margie's house
for Baha'u'llah's birthday party?" "I'm afraid we won't be able to go
today," Mother replied. "Our car's not working, so we'll have to stay
home and celebrate the Blessed Beauty's Special Day in our own way. And that's
rather nice, too, isn't it?"
Theresa did not think it was nice at all. Suddenly the
syrupy pancakes did not taste as good as before. She put her fork down and
stared out of the window. She could see the large field and the many trees
along side of it. She liked living in the country a lot, but there were times
when she wished she were back in town. She missed visiting with her friends on
Tuesday afternoons while Mother and the other Baha'is had their meetings. But
Mother had promised her that they would be able to go again in the summer.
She slid off her chair and went to the sink where her mother was washing the dishes. "What will we do for Baha'u'llah's Birthday?" she asked. Mother wiped the white soapsuds off her hands with a towel and bent down to give Theresa a big hug. "I know you are disappointed that we can't go to the party. I am, too. But we must make the best of it. I'll bake a cake and you can do something to celebrate too."
"But what, Mama?" Theresa looked at the floor.
"Well, how about picking a giant-size bouquet of flowers and putting them
on the dining room table?" Mother suggested.

Mother helped her fill the heavy vase with water from the
kitchen faucet, but Theresa wanted to put the long-stemmed flowers into it, one
by one. After she was finished, she went looking for Mother.
She found her in the bedroom, writing a letter. "Now
what, Mama?" she inquired. "M-m-m ..., let's see. Why don't you make
a card to place by the flowers?"
So Theresa took her construction paper and scissors and
paste to the table. For a long time, she cut, drew, and pasted. At last she was
satisfied, and she stood the piece of artwork beside the bouquet of flowers.
Mother came to look at the happy birthday card and said that
it was the best one that she had ever seen! Then she returned to the kitchen,
where she began to gather the ingredients for the cake.
Theresa sat at the table with her chin propped on her hands
and looked deeply at the sky-blue flowers. The folded picture she had drawn was
colorful, with its drawings of the land, fluffy clouds and happy children. Both
gifts were beautiful and she was glad that she had done them to show her love
for Baha'u'llah. But they were not her own ideas. Mother had helped her. Mother
had thought of baking the cake, and she was doing it all by herself. Theresa
wanted to do something of her own for Baha'u'llah. Whatever it would be, it
should come from her own heart. She thought and thought. If only she had
someone to share this day with - besides Mother, of course.
Suddenly her eyes sparkled and a smile tickled the corners
of her mouth. She might not have someone to share with, but she did have some
things! Out the back door she flew, forgetting her sweater. "Today is
Baha'u'llah's Birthday," Theresa told Zorro, the black cat. Zorro was
curled up on the picnic table, asleep in the rays of the sun. He lifted his
head and answered, "Meow." Then he went back to his interrupted
"Happy Birthday to Baha'u'llah," whispered Theresa
to the dog family in their pen. They lined up and licked her fingers through
the fence ... first Bob, the father; then Lady, the mother, and her four
puppies - Dot, Julie, Ringer, and Sam.
"Did you know that today is Baha'u'llah's
Birthday?" she asked the goat in the pasture. Clyde just looked at Theresa
and said nothing.
"We love You. We do. We love You. We do. We love You,
dear Baha'u'llah. We love You. We do," she sang to the chickens who were
busily searching for insects in the tall weeds.

Sitting there with her animal friends around her, Theresa
began to feel that something was unusual, in fact, most unusual! What could it
Why, this was the first time she had ever seen all of the
creatures who lived on the farm gathered so close together. Zorro the cat never
could pass by the dog family's pen without them barking furiously at him. And
Clyde the goat would run toward the chickens to scatter them in all directions.
It seemed that none of them could ever get along. But look at them now! They
were quiet and . . . what was the word Mother used? Oh, yes. Peaceful. They
were at peace.
And today was Baha'u'llah's Birthday. He was bringing the
Most Great Peace, when all would be unified. No matter what color their skin or
what country they lived in, all would come together in love.
Theresa looked around at the circle of animals. She saw the
black fur of Zorro, the yellow fuzz that covered the little chicks, Clyde's
rough brown coat, and the white skinned pup named Sam. They were all different,
just like the people of the world. And they were all at peace.
She must tell Mother right away about the wonderful thing
that had happened in the barnyard. This really was a special day!
Scooping Zorro up in her arms, Theresa left the dogs to yelp
their goodbyes. The chickens pecked for seeds in the grass. She raced across
the field with Clyde beside her all the way. Slowing down only long enough to
open and close the gate, she cried "Mother, Mother! You'll never guess
what happened in the barnyard! "
The smell of freshly baked cake met her at the door.
Sheryl Michelli, illustrated by Linda Orlando; Child’s Way Magazine November-December