The way to Ashok's school led past a Fire Temple of the Zoroastrians
and Ashok was first attracted by the fragrance of sandalwood from it. He
wondered what was in this temple and why sandalwood was burned there. When he
was early for school Ashok would stand at the entrance and watch Zoroastrians
going in and out, wearing special caps. His school friend Jamshed, had told him
that a big fire was always kept burning before which they stood and prayed.
Ashok had become interested and very curious. Once he had asked Jamshed to take
him inside the Fire Temple but Ashok was told that only Zoroastrians could go
in. This made Ashok more eager than ever. And this was why he had decided to
know everything about Zoroaster and His teaching through the Time Capsule.
Ashok had found that Zoroaster lived 3000 years ago in the land
of Persia, now called Iran. So he knew now what keys to tap on the Time
Capsule's keyboard. As the room darkened strange voices filled the room. As the
screen lit up Ashok found himself in ancient Persia amid a fair people with
dark hair who wore long robes. Even the soldiers of King Vishtaspa who ruled
over them, wore long tunics and carried spears and shields.
Farmers brought their products for sale in the market loaded
on donkeys. They appeared to be a friendly people, kind and simple. They were
all talking about the sudden and strange illness of "Asb-i-siyah" the
favourite black stallion, of King Vishtaspa. Many wise men and doctors had
examined the horse and tried different treatment but none would cure it. The
King had offered a high reward for anyone who could make his horse well again.
Word of the strange sickness of the horse and the many fruitless efforts to cure it had reached even the prison. Among the prisoners was a radiant young man who had falsely been blamed and imprisoned. But this man was no criminal and unlike the other prisoners he spent the hours in prayer and praise of God. When he heard of the condition of Asb-i-siyah he asked one of the jailors to take a message to the King that he could cure the horse.

Speaking without fear the young man replied "Sire, I
came not only to relieve your immediate anxiety by making your horse well again
but I can also remove the distress and unhappiness from the lives of all your
The King was impressed by the young man. He asked, "Who
are you?"
The young man replied, "I am called Zarathustra."
The King wanted to make sure that Zarathustra could really
cure his horse and not kill it, so he questioned him further, "With what magic
or medicine do you claim to be able to cure our Asb-i-siyah?"
Zarathustra's answer was quick and brief: "With the Power
of the Word of God."
The King was not convinced and asked again. "Whence do
you come from and who are 'your parents?”
One of the prison guards , stepped forward and answered the King.
"My Lord, Zarathustra is born of Pouroshaspa and Dughdova in the town of
Rae in Azarbaijan province. Since childhood Zarathustra has displayed rare characteristics.
He claims to have the power of the word of God."
"Which God?" enquired King Vishtaspa, pointing to
the statues of the Gods in his chamber.
Now Zaratustra spoke up again: "There is but one God,
Ahura Mazda, the Creator and Ruler of all the world. These statues aye the handiwork
of men. They are powerless and are not to be worshiped."
Immediately the King took the opportunity and said, "If
your Ahura Mazda is powerful then let Him cure our Asb-i-siyah."
Just as quickly Zarathustra replied, "If your horse is
cured by the will of Ahura Mazda then you must
believe in Him and follow His teachings." The king agreed.
Now all attention was focussed upon the young Zarathustra
and they wondered what he would do next. Zarathustra approached the stricken
horse and turning his heart to God recited a prayer. After a while the horse
was cured.
The King and Queen and their son Isfandiar announced their
belief in Ahura Mazda. Furthermore they enquired what were the teachings that
they should follow.
Zarathustra pronounced three strange-sounding words-Humata,
Hukhta, Havareshta, which mean 'good thoughts', 'good words’ and 'good deeds’.
Zarathustra explained these as the secrets of a good and happy life.
These words and Zarathustra’s other teachings rang out
through the court and the countryside as it was spread from person to person.
Before long the teachings of Zarathustra spread beyond the borders of
Vishtaspa's kingdom into the neighboring Turanian realm, whose people began
living according to the new teachings of Zarathustra and their lives became
more fruitful and happier. They wore under their normal clothes a white muslin
vest called 'sudreh' over which they tied a special white woolen string called
the 'kushti' to remind them always that their inner lives -- their thoughts, words
and deeds, must always be as white and pure. Fire came to be the symbol of
their religion, for the fire of faith removes all evil from the lives of men.
Followers of Zarathustra came to be known as Zoroastrians and
they established the great Zoroastrian empire and culture and civilization,
which spread far and wide.
Zarathustra Himself lived and taught amongst his followers
until he was seventy years old. One day while he was saying his prayers a Turanian
attacked and killed Him.
By now Ashok had become so attracted to the life and teachings
of Zarathustra that he was saddened at His death. As he came back to his own
time and the lights in the Capsule gradually came on with the fading picture,
Ashok felt great love for Zoroaster and understood the meaning of the burning of
the fragrant sandalwood in the Fire-temples. He emerged from the Capsule with a
new found joy and satisfaction; the words -- good thoughts, good words and good
deeds were engraved upon his heart.
(by Shahriar
Nooreyezdan, ‘Varqa Children Magazine’, vol. 1, no, 2, May-June 1981)