Her favorite song was the Beebird's; he had especially beautiful
music. And Beebird sang day and night with only tiny pauses while he slept. Beebird's
wings were a blur of color as he darted here and there, sipping nectar from
each flower.
One sunny morning Wolf and Squirrel went to the Goddess with
a complaint. "Goddess, we can't get any sleep," said Wolf.
"Beebird has a beautiful song, but it keeps us awake when we need to
"Yes," agreed Squirrel. "All the animals
elected us to come before you. No one is sleeping because Beebird is too
The Goddess said she would talk to Beebird and immediately
sent for him. When the Goddess told Beebird about the complaints, Beebird
buzzed in circles around the Goddess.