May 13, 2020

The miracle of the Báb’s last day…

The Báb saw the sun rise over the sands of His native Persia for the last time. He was engaged in a confidential conversation with one of His followers, who served as His secretary when He was interrupted by a government official. The Chief Attendant for the Prime Minister's brother had come to lead the Báb to the presence of the leading Doctors of law in Tabriz to obtain from them the authorization for His execution.

The Báb rebuked the Attendant for his interruption and held fast to His secretary’s hand.

“Not until I have said to him all those things that I wish to say," the Báb warned the Attendant, "can any earthly power silence Me. Though all the world be armed against Me, yet shall they be powerless to deter Me from fulfilling, to the last word my intension."

The Attendant was amazed at such boldness and effrontery in a mere prisoner. He insisted that the Báb accompany him. The barracks doors were opened and the Báb was brought into the courtyard, His conversation left unfinished.

To the people of Tabriz, the Báb was no longer triumphant. The campaign of united opposition by church and state was having its effect. The Báb was now a humbled prisoner. The crowd filled the streets and people climbed on each other's shoulders the better to see this man who was still so much talked about.

Just as Jesus had entered Jerusalem hailed on all sides and with palms strewn in His path only to be mocked and reviled in that same Jerusalem within the week, in like manner the glory that had attended the Báb's first visit to Tabriz was forgotten now. This time the crowd, restless and excitable, flung insulting words at the Báb. They pursued Him as He was led through the streets. They broke through the guards and struck Him in the face. When seme missile hurled from the crowd would reach its mark the guards and the crowd would burst into laughter.