January 15, 2020

A lesson in forgiveness…

One evening 'Abdu'l-Baha was talking to a group of the friends who had gathered around Him, warmed and comforted by His love.

Suddenly a stranger came into the room, and, without a word, threw himself down at 'Abdu'l-Baha's feet. 'Abdu'l-Baha knew who he was, though. He introduced the man to the others as "one of My old friends," and embraced him.

Now, where do you suppose He had met the man? Wouldn't you think that this person must have been very good to 'Abdu'l-Baha to be greeted so warmly? Well, here is the story behind the story:

Years before this night, when 'Abdu'l-Baha was a prisoner along with many others--some of them children—this man was one of the soldiers who guarded the prison gate.

Now, in order to get water the prisoners had to walk two miles to a well. There they filled their jugs and carried them back to the prison. This soldier waited until the prisoners came back into the prison yard with their heavy jugs. Then he struck at the jugs with his gun and broke them!
(Adapted from a story told by Mr. Faizi, Hand of the Cause; Child’s Way magazine, March-April. 1972)