November 7, 2018

At the Prison Gates

'Abdu'l-Rahim was a fanatical Muslim. He was alarmed. The Baha'i Faith was growing in his town in Persia and he decided that it was time to ask the advice of a Muslim clergyman. Being a fanatic, as many were, the clergyman assured 'Abdu'l-Rahim that to kill the Baha'is would certainly please God.  

'Abdu'l-Rahim then decided that he would kill some Baha'is. Not only would he rid the world of these infidels, he thought, but he'd gain a place in heaven as well. So, one day he armed himself with a weapon and went to confront an older believer whose name was Haji Bábá.  

"I've come to kill you, Haji Bábá, because you are a Baha'i. You are a disgrace to Islam!"  

To 'Abdu'l-Rahim’s surprise Haji Bábá did not seem the least upset. Instead he replied calmly and lovingly. It was certainly not what 'Abdu'l-Rahim’s expected. He wanted to kill at least one Baha'i, but instead he found himself listening to the words of the old man. Quite against his will, 'Abdu'l-Rahim became interested.  

After a while, Haji Bábá took 'Abdu'l-Rahim to a meeting. It was in the house of Mulla Husayn's sister. (Perhaps you remember that Mulla Husayn was the first to believe in the Báb.) You have been to firesides I suppose? Well, this one lasted one day and one night! At the end of this meeting, 'Abdu'l-Rahim was not only a Baha'i, but a Baha'i who was on fire with the love of God. He was so charged that he could no longer bear to stay in his town. He had learned that the Manifestation of God, God's Prophet for this age, was actually on this earth and 'Abdu'l-Rahim longed to see His Face.  

'Abdu'l-Rahim set out for the prison of Akka on foot. He walked weary miles on foot. He walked weary miles with a glad heart. He walked through cold and heat, rain and snow. He walked for six months. Finally, he arrived at the city of his heart, the dusty, parched city of Akka, where God had placed His Most Glorious Treasure, Baha'u'llah.  

Unfortunately, 'Abdu'l-Rahim arrived in the early days of Baha'u'llah's imprisonment. The gates were watched carefully and anyone suspected of being a Baha'i was turned away. Outside the city 'Abdu'l-Rahim met the celebrated, long suffering Nabil, who many times had tried to get in to catch a glimpse of that Beloved Face. But Nabil had failed and was patiently waiting for a time when he might enter.